eNewsletter FAQ

On this page you will find most commonly asked questions about our eNewsletter services. If you still have unanswered questions after reviewing this page, please either chat with an available representative, call us at (877) 759-4440 or visit our contact us page. We would be glad to answer any questions you might have regarding our services.

What is an eNewsletter?

An eNewsletter is an email newsletter that uses the Internet to communicate information about promotions, company offerings, product updates and more. It is a valuable dialogue between a prospective or current customer and a company. eNewsletters are most effective when the recipients are targeted and the information is relevant and timely.

What is a template? Can I re-use the format over again?

An eNewsletter template is a structure that can be reused over and over, saving you time and money. Relidy provides four (4) eNewsletter template designs with each package. eNewsletter template consistency increases the success of your eNewsletter campaign. Since the content will be new and organized in a similar fashion every time it is sent out, it allows your customer to find content quickly and easily.

What is spam and how do I avoid it?

Spam means sending out unsolicited emails. Unsolicited email can damage a company's reputation. Obtain your recipient's permission either in person or via a website base sign up form. Opt-In or Permission based eNewsletters ensures that your customer's database includes only people that have given you their permission.

How does the eNewsletter service help my marketing efforts?

It is ideal for anyone looking to increase their competitive edge, expand customer base, increase referrals and word of mouth, boost sales, repeat business and customer loyalty, save time and money.

How do I measure my success or return on investment?

According to research conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing generated an ROI of $43.62 for every dollar spent on it in 2009. The expected figure for 2010 is $42.08. As such, it outperforms all the other direct marketing channels examined, such as print catalogs.

Marketing research shows that email marketing works, ROI can be much higher in the A/V Security installation industry, just one purchase or referral could justify a year of eNewsletters. But the most important part of any marketing effort is to keep your company in front of your customers and potential customers as much as possible. Email marketing is by far the most inexpensive method to accomplish this.

How do I go about building a customer email list?

The first place to start would be with your existing customers by getting their permission to send them regular eNewsletters. Add a sign up form on your website helps bring in potential customers. Also home shows, open house, or a parade of homes are excellent places to have potential customers fill out a quick survey, just make sure you place a check box for them to mark to get their permission for the eNewsletter. Finally don't forget builders or other contractors that you work with or are in any associations that you might be a member of.

What is included in the eNewsletter subscription?

Included with your eNewsletter subscription are the creation of 2 eNewsletter templates. These 2 templates are laid out like the following samples. News Sample - Promotion Sample.

We modify these eNewsletter samples to include a custom header and footer specifically designed for your company. Included in the price is a proof and 1 revision.

Also included with the subscription is the ability to send out unlimited eNewsletters whenever you choose. To put together your eNewsletter, just log into your Relidy eNewsletter account, make a copy of the desired template, go to the eNewsletter content section, select a topic and copy and paste the desired content into the template. Proof, select a e-mail list(s) then schedule a send time.